100 days of Brand Spirit Removing Visual Branding

100 days of Brand Spirit was a project by Andrew Miller to take 1 product each day and spray paint it white in an attempt to remove the product branding of the target product while at the same time reduce the product down to its purest form.

The 100 days of Brand Spirit are over, but Polaroid and Underwood are now available as limited edition prints on 20×200.

Brand Spirit: every day for 100 days, I will paint one branded object white, removing all visual branding, reducing the object to its purest form. I can purchase each object for less than $10, it can be something I own, something another person gives me, or something I find. Brand Spirit has been featured on Swiss Miss, PSFK, Gizmodo, Adweek, The Next Web, Trendland, Huffington Post Art, Huffington Post Comedy, Hypebeast, Business Insider, Fast Company Design, and the Tumblr Storyboard.

About me: I work by day as a strategic agent of change at Carbone Smolan Agency, I recently completed my graduate degree at the SVA Master’s in Branding program, and I’m on a perpetual quest for the perfect burger.

White Campbell's Soup Can

Blank Campbell’s Soup Can by Brand Spirit

White Spray Can

Blank Spray Can by Brand Spirit

White Soda Soft Drink Can

Blank Soda Can by Brand Spirit

White Starbucks Coffee Cup

Blank Starbucks Coffee Cup by Brand Spirit