Standing Graphic Novel Book PSD Mockup

Standing Graphic Novel Book PSD Mockup

GRAPHICNOVEL002 is a generic graphic novel with an adhesive-bound spine (no staples). This PSD Mockup for a graphic novel represents wroughly 300 pages — about the thickness of the WATCHMEN graphic novel if you happen to have one. These adhesive-bound graphic novels tend to share a similar set of dimensions where the height and width can differ by very small increments, (more…)

C-Format Paperback Book Cover Shot PSD Mockup

C-Format Paperback Book Cover Shot PSD Mockup

PAPERBACK018 is a standing C-Format paperback book rendered to be viewed at eye level. The PSD Mockup applies your supplied artwork and renders it to the front cover of this book. The paperback itself is rotated to 30° allowing the spine of the book to be sufficiently visible to the viewer. Highlights and shadows are provided on the individual layers and can be adjusted to suit designs which may require more or less intense highlighting. (more…)

Front View Paperback C-Format Book PSD Mockup

Front View Paperback C-Format Book PSD Mockup

PAPERBACK017 stands at eye-level facing directly forward. The paperback covers bulges slightly at the top and bottom of the book suggesting it has been opened previously. This Photoshop template renders your artwork onto the cover of a closed C-Format book. The spine and pages of the book are not visible in this mockup, however, other books in this series do display those features. (more…)


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