Getting Practical With Microcopy

Microcopy Is Design Link
When you consider that words still form the backbone of communication on the web, it’s difficult to comprehend why content — and microcopy in particular — is often relegated to the bottom of design agendas. Shouldn’t writing copy be seen as a vital element of the design process from the very start? We fixate on delivering delightful experiences, yet once we step beyond the marketing experience and copy, the experience often lacks consistency and tone. How often have you signed up for a product only to get a dull and unenthusiastic welcome?

When done right, effective microcopy increases conversions, delights users and improves the rate of task completion. It can also save time and resourcesshowcase an organization’s culture and build trust with users, allowing the organization to distinguish itself from competitors. Moreover, it helps to define the brand and set expectations for users.